Hi, my name is

Satyam Verma
I am a web developer
I work on frontend web development using JavaScript, TypeScript, & for frontend frameworks such as Svelte, Next.js and React. I also develop backend APIs & scripts, work with databases, and my favourite platform is NodeJS.
02. About Me

Hi, I'm Satyam. I am a y/o self-taught fullstack web developer based in India with years of experience. I started my journey of web developement when I was 11 years old. Back then I made static websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Fast forward to today, I make blazing fast and performant web apps. I work in frontend web development with JavaScript, TypeScript, and for frontend frameworks like Svelte, NextJS and React.

I also write backend APIs & scripts, work with databases, and my favourite platform is NodeJS.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Next.js
  • Express
My Profile Pic
03. Some Things I’ve Built
  • Featured Project

    macOS Web

    This open source project aims to replicate some of the macOS Big Sur desktop experience on web using HTML, CSS & JavaScript! I've always been very fascinated with macOS, and have never owned a Macbook. So I'm making the most beautiful aspect of macOS, its desktop, myself.

    • JavaScript
    • CSS
    • HTML
  • Featured Project

    3D Viewer

    3D Model Viewer ⚡ powered by @google/model-viewer & jQuery. It has a simple UI yet it is powerful 3D Model Viewer.

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Featured Project


    Budgety is beautiful and well designed expense tracking application which is easy to use. Now you can track your monthly expenses eaisly with Budgety.

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Styled Components

Other Noteworthy Projects

view the archive
  • Folder GitHub External Link

    Minimal Potfolio with WebGL Effects

    A simiple portfolio with WebGL Fuluid Simulation as background & links to social media profiles.
  • Folder GitHub External Link

    Home: A Productive App

    A beautiful home screen which is quite useful to increase productivity which includes a search bar & clock.
  • Folder GitHub External Link

    MathJS library

    A JavaScript library for basic and advanced arithmetic operations, comparison functions, and trigonometric functions.
  • Folder GitHub


    A WhatsApp Messenger CLI from which you can message from your terminal. It can also send multiple message at the same time.
  • Folder GitHub External Link

    Chess AI

    AI powered chess engine written in JavaScript by someone who doesn't know how to play chess.
  • Folder GitHub External Link

    webBackground Module

    Seamlessly integrate Live Wallpapers/Backgrounds within Websites with just 2 lines of code.